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Liquid Volume Analyzer
Featured Project
A computer vision tool measuring fluid volume and container shape, using YOLO-based segmentation, 3D reconstruction, and anomaly detection for real-time lab insights
PythonPyTorchTensorFlowNumPyPandasOpenCVComputer VisionYOLOv11Meta's SAMDepth Pro 2InstantMesh3D ReconstructionAnomaly Detection

Wikipedia Search Engine
Featured Project
A semantic search tool for Wikipedia articles by chunking text, embedding with OpenAI, and indexing in FAISS. Enables quick retrieval and gpt-assisted context-based responses
PythonOpenAI EmbeddingsVector DatabasesFAISSSemantic SearchChunkingContext-based ResponsesRetrieval-Augmented GenerationFlaskFastAPI

Wordle Clone
Featured Project
A Wordle-inspired game built with Java and JavaFX, featuring multiple game modes and user statistics tracking.
JavaJavaFXReact NativeCSSAgileScrumGitCI/CD